Raw Vegetable and Mackerel Salad


Raw Vegetable and Mackerel Salad

Raw Vegetable and Mackerel Salad

We bought a new grill-pan yesterday.

Non-stick, mais naturellement. Induction compatible. Competitive price. Couldn’t be better.

Mrs. Paleovirtus and Paleovirtus Jr. couldn’t wait to test it out, and so a couple of nice slabs of entrecôte were purchased for that very purpose. Seasoned, oiled, minute and a half a side – you know the story.

Thoroughly nice person that I am, I even whipped up a cream and Gorgonzola sauce for them, what with them being LCHF aficionados and all.

I, however, felt as though I’d had my fill of beef earlier in the day, when I polished off the last of the previous evening’s Chilli Con Carne for lunch.

I settled in the end for one of my classic throw-together salads – a small bag of our local supermarket’s shredded cabbage and carrot mix was thrown into a mixing bowl, along with a small bag of baby spinach, a few broccoli florets, a squirt of lemon juice, 2 heaped teaspoons of chaat masala, and an 80g tin of mackerel fillets in tomato sauce.

Fret not, mes amis, the tomato sauce those deliciously fishy fillets came in consisted of nothing more than tomatoes, water, and salt. Mix and devour.

The one drawback to the preparation of this dish comes in the form of my cat, Buster the Burmese. Once you crack open that Mackerel tin, you’ve got company. Persistent, loud, determined company. He will not give in until he gets a taste.

“Hang on”, I hear you say, “What about the spices? Surely your cat doesn’t eat heavily spiced food…?”

Oh yes he bloody well does. He’s been getting his paws on spicy food one way or another since kittenhood. He’s got a tolerance to chilli that would be the envy of some people from India!

Buster the Burmese

Don’t be fooled by the cute appearance..he’s a villain…!

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