Category Archives: Paleo ingredients

Product Review – ICA Cauliflower Rice (Blomkålsris)

ICA Cauliflower Rice (Blomkålsris)

ICA Cauliflower Rice (Blomkålsris)

Swedish supermarket chain ICA recently launched their “grönhydrater” range – the word being a Swedish portmanteau of the words for “green” and “hydrates”.

As well as zucchini / courgette and carrot “pasta”, they have started selling cauliflower rice, which we will take a closer look at here.

My first thought when I read about the introduction of this range of products was “what took them so long?”

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Product Review – “Wild Chips” from “Wild Man”

Wild Chips

Wild Chips

Paleo snacks can be a bit of a problem.

Sure, there’s always fruit and nuts, or tinned fish, but they can become a bit samey if you’re away from home or on the road for more than a couple of days.

Sometimes, you find yourself yearning for something with a bit more “ooomph”. Something meaty.

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Let’s have a nice little chaat…

Chaat Masala

Chaat Masala

Chaat Masala is an Indian spice mixture, or masala, with a unique kind of sweet and sour taste, that can be used to add depth of flavour to otherwise potentially bland dishes.

I, for example, add it in generous proportions to ordinary salads, and they are instantly transformed into mouthwatering delicacies.

You can also find chaat masalas that have been blended to be more suitable to fruit salads – I use one below to create a quick and insanely delicious tropical fruit salad.

After trying a few brands, I have to say that my preferred one is Shan. If your luck’s in, your friendly, neighbourhood Indian or Pakistani grocer will have them in stock.

One word of warning though – chaat masala is similar to Marmite in one important aspect – you are going to absolutely love it, and go to any lengths thereafter to ensure that you always have some in at home, or you will despise it on first taste, and go to your grave cursing the name of Paleovirtus for suggesting that you ever try it in the first place.


Tropical fruit salad, made with fruit chaat masala

Tropical fruit salad, made with fruit chaat masala








Tropical fruit salad

Might stretch to 2 servings



  • Mix the prepared fruit in a bowl.
  • Sprinkle over about ½ a teaspoon of fruit chaat masala. Mix well.
  • Sprinkle over another ½ a teaspoon of fruit chaat masala. Mix again.
  • Give a good dusting with dessicated coconut. Serve.

Poundland…you must be nuts!

Cashew nuts

Some cashew nuts earlier today…

UK bargain store Poundland is often derided for the quality of its wares, and sometimes rightly so.

I can still gag at the mere memory of a tin of “tuna” that I bought there once. I strongly suspect that even a semi-feral cat that hadn’t eaten in months would have turned its nose up at it.

They are sometimes capable of surprising, though.

One of their branches in our town has a quite reasonable selection of nuts and seeds, and for your £1 you get a fair old amount of product.

You can’t be sure of the packet’s green credentials, of course, but if you’re trying to do Paleo on a tight budget, then definitely something to have a look at….

Tesco fish sauce

Tesco fish sauce

Tesco fish sauce

One mostly for the boys and girls in the UK, this…

When idly surfing around the other day I luckily happened upon this wee gem – Tesco own brand fish sauce.

Unlike the vast majority of the fish sauce available at your friendly neighbourhood Asian grocery store, this baby doesn’t come loaded with a bucketful of extraneous crap, such as s***r.

Fish and salt. Sounds good to me. Tastes good, too, I can tell thee…

You can find it over on the Tesco site here.